

"Broadway is an excellent English student; he tackles issues and challenges with a positive, attitude. In addition, he consistently shows respect to both his peers and teachers." Lidian Lindsey

- John Broadway

Avery Todd

"Savannah has been rocking chemistry! She does a wonderful job at coming to class prepared and ready to learn every day. She's always quick to answer questions and wants to do her best at everything possible."- Lauren Marchbanks

- Savannah Bedwell

Luke Webb

"Jayden is always happy and enjoyable to be around in class! He is willing to help others and hold them accountable. He has a great sense of humor and works hard for me!"-Heather Clendenion

- Jayden Cole


"Kaitlyn is a hard worker. She is very determined to accomplish something, and successful when she puts her mind to it!" -Cary Bivens

- Kaitlyn Parker